Big Data Value PPP

Big Data Value Public Private Partnership

The BDVA developed a Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on Big Data Value (BDVA, 2015) that was initially fed by the BIG technical papers and roadmaps and extended with the inputs of a public consultation that included hundreds of additional stakeholders representing both the supply and the demand side.  The BDVA then developed a cPPP (contractual PPP) proposal as the formal step to set up a PPP on Big Data Value. The cPPP proposal builds on the SRIA by adding additional content elements such as potential instruments that could be used for the implementation of the agenda.

A vital role in the European big data landscape will be fulfilled by the Big Data Value contractual Public Private Partnership (BDV cPPP). On 13 October 2014 the signature of BDV cPPP took place in Brussels, by the then European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes and the President of the BDVA Jan Sundelin, TIE Kinetix. The BDVA is the industry-led contractual counterpart to the European Commission for the implementation of the BDV cPPP. The main role of the BDVA will be to regularly update the Big Data Value SRIA, define and monitor the metrics of the BDV cPPP, and participate with the European Commission in the BDV cPPP partnership board.

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Interconnected Challenges of the BDV cPPP within i-Spaces (from (BDVA, 2015))

The signature of the BDV cPPP is the first step towards building a thriving data community in the EU. The BDV cPPP is driven by the conviction that research and innovation focusing on a combination of business and usage needs is the best long-term strategy to deliver value from Big Data and create jobs and prosperity. The strategic objectives of the BDV cPPP as stated in the BDV SRIA (BDVA, 2015) are:

  • Data: To access, compose and use data in a simple, clearly defined manner that allows the transformation of data into information.
  • Skills: To contribute to the conditions for skills development in industry and academia.
  • Legal & Policy: To contribute to policy processes for finding favourable European regulatory environments, and address the concerns of privacy and citizen inclusion.
  • Technology: To foster European BDV technology leadership for job creation and prosperity by creating a European-wide technology and application base and building up competence. In addition, enable research and innovation, including the support of interoperability and standardisation, for the future basis of BDV creation in Europe.
  • Application: To reinforce the European industrial leadership and capability to successfully compete on a global-level in the data value solution market by advancing applications transformed into new opportunities for business.
  • Business: To facilitate the acceleration of business ecosystems and appropriate business models with particular focus on SMEs, enforced by Europe-wide benchmarking of usage, efficiency and benefits.
  • Social: To provide successful solutions for the major societal challenges that Europe is facing such as: Health, Energy, Transport and the Environment. And to increase awareness about BDV benefits for businesses and the public sector, while engaging citizens as prosumers to accelerate acceptance and take-up.

Given the broad range of objectives around focusing on the different aspects of Big Data Value a comprehensive implementation strategy is needed. The BDVA SRIA (BDVA, 2015) details an interdisciplinary implementation approach that integrates expertise from the different fields necessary to tackle both the strategic and specific objectives of the BDV cPPP. The strategy contains a number of different types of mechanisms, including cross-organisational and cross-sectorial environments known as i-Spaces, as illustrated in the Figure above which will allow challenges to be tackled in an interdisciplinary manner while also serving as hubs for research and innovation activities, Lighthouse projects which will raise awareness of the opportunities offered by Big Data and the value of data-driven applications for different sectors, technical projects which will address targeted aspects of the technical priorities, and projects to foster and support efficient cooperation and coordination across all BDV cPPP activities.

Excerpt from: Becker, T. et al. (2016) ‘New Horizons for a Data-Driven Economy: Roadmaps and Action Plans for Technology, Businesses, Policy, and Society’, in Cavanillas, J. M., Curry, E., and Wahlster, W. (eds) New Horizons for a Data-Driven Economy: A Roadmap for Usage and Exploitation of Big Data in Europe. Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-21569-3_16.


  • BDVA (2015) European Big Data Value Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda. Edited by S. Zillner et al. Big Data Value Association. Available at: